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Evaluation Office

Evelyn Castillo Lucen

Evelyn Castillo Lucen

  • Verwaltungsassistentin / Administrative Assistant
+41 (0)44 634 23 13
Working hours
Mo, Mi, Do / Mo, Wed, Thurs

After completing her Bachelor's degree as a primary school teacher and several years of teaching experience, Evelyn Castillo pursued her Master's studies in Educational Sciences (with a focus on Educational Psychology), Special Education, and Linguistics and Literature at the University of Zurich (UZH). During her studies, she worked as a Spanish instructor at the Language Center of UZH and ETHZ and as a language tutor and administrative staff member at the Self-Learning Center of ETHZ Hönggerberg. She then worked as a salary administrator at an international company and as the head of the office of the Pukllasunchis Foundation (a non-profit organization for educational projects in Peru). Since May 2023, she has been working as an Administrative Assistant at the Evaluation Office of UZH.